It has an 256×192 IR detector which will deliver 49,152 pixels to the end-users screen. It also features a 48MP Digital Camera allowing the device to be multifunctional. It has great storage for videos and images with a memory capacity of 256GB.
It also has a good temperature range of -20°C ~ + 550°C. With a measurement accuracy of ± 2°C or ± 2% of readings.
The delivery is consistently guaranteed within a certain time frame.
Why need a thermal imaging camera:
Electronic devices will generate heat when they are powered on. We use Thermal Imaging in a TSCM sweep to determine if there are any signs of heat in places where it should not belong. Thermal readings from cameras and eavesdropping devices may show up in ceilings, behind walls, or in many other locations. Any such readings will be investigated to determine if the source may be a surveillance device. Different filter modes can help you find surveillance devices faster and more accurately.
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